Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Just In Time Realization

Many people realize,some, Just in time, that they were never destined to inherit anything from their relatives. Oh, one can be next in line, an only child, etc and feel a surety. Then the "Old Man" dies, the mother gets shaky and or falls a bit, then it's off to the "old folks home" AKA "Retirement Center".
Up until now, the mother has paid all the taxes from her pension AKA Social Security or perhaps a company retirement plan not previously looted by a union or "vanishing reserves". After the dot com stock bust and Enron, who has anything but a pile of pennies these days?
So the Retirement Center will warehouse "Mom" while you are 3000 miles away with your wife and 2.3 children. Of course, the spendthrifts at city hall will raise the taxes already not covered by "Mom's" money which is now going to the "Nursing Home". In certain states, the resident gets a stepend of $1 per day deducted from the SS or railroad pension etc and that is secretly in the bank. This can cover anything from Mom's snuff or other "vice" to building up for a cemetery plot nobody can afford.
If you have been busy, and who is not these days, years rock on and you get a notice from some lawyer that if you don't pay the $2300 back taxes, you will lose the place and the land. YOU SHOULD CHOOSE TO FORGET ABOUT IT. ALLEGEDLY, PROBABLY.
A) You CAN travel there, fix up the house, cut the lawn,etc AND RAKE UP the taxes
BUT B)by the time you inherit the place, you will have a headful of gray hair worrying about the taxes, unpaid sneaking-around-rent (IF you managed to find a renter) and that thing you studyed called ENTROPHY will have demolished the house because it will have fallen apart while you bled your finances dry to pay the taxes.

Somewhere along the line,YOU may realize that Woodrow Wilson, with his Federal Reserve Money Inflation, FDR with his Gold Grabbing Executive Order of 1934, and the latest Socialists going crazy spending tax money...HAVE MADE YOU A SLAVE!

You see reader, I was that chump trying to hold onto my "inheritance". Once your loved one went to the old folks' home, THEY GOT IT ALL...they just wanted to burden YOU with the taxes thinking it was "yours" and your Mom's. Actually, the US Government owned YOU and all your "goodies" lock, stock and barrel...LONG AGO.

If we don't WAKE UP and smell the coffee, we will have a government telling us where to buy our insurance, health care, and taxing us for the carbon dioxide we breathe out for the plants to breathe in. OH, THAT'S RIGHT...we already have to buy insurance from the US GOVERNMENT or pay the fine until we get sick and have to pay even more.
Don't shoot me, I'm just the "Woke up Just In Time" Messenger...